Launch of the Organic Fair for Life fine lavender harvest in Pays de Grasse
In the heart of the Parc Naturel Régional des Préalpes d’Azur, we have begun cutting fine Lavender on the Caussols and Gourdon plots. This program, created in 2019 with the communes and the Communauté d’Agglomération de Sophia Antipolis, is part of a drive to promote the region and the practices associated with growing fine Lavender. The rainy spring allowed Lavender to develop more generously than last year.
Freshly cut, the fine Lavender will be pre-smoked or fully dried before being distilled into an Organic and Fair for Life certified Essential Oil or Floral Water. Indeed, we wanted to promote fair trade practices within this program to encourage the installation of small producers. The project’s development funds are used to raise awareness of Lavender in local schools, or to research new harvesting techniques that protect pollinating insects.