Ginger – Zingiber Officinale
Named Zenj by the Arab merchants who traded it from Zanzibar, Ginger was imported by the Phoenicians into the Mediterranean basin in the 4th century BC. For a long time, ginger was confused with the root of the pepper plant until the naturalist Pliny the Elder discovered its origins and noted its medicinal benefits. The Middle Ages, fascinated by spices and flavours from elsewhere, gave ginger its popularity, until the 17th century when it fell into oblivion. It was not until the 20th century that its properties and benefits were once again recognised. Although India is now the leading producer with 1,800 million tonnes per year, followed by Nigeria with 700 million tonnes and China with 600 million tonnes, it is in Equatorial Africa that Jean Gazignaire – Mul Group has decided to develop a certified organic ginger plantation. A unique terroir which gives the essential oil fresh and lemony notes, far from the very aromatic, hot and pungent profile of the essential oils of Ginger on the known origins. A sustainable and entirely traced chain in order to propose an Essential Oil of Ginger with a reduced impact in terms of carbon footprint.