Launch of the harvest of organic and fair trade fine lavender in the Grasse region!
Since the implementation of our programme to revive the fine lavender sector in the Pays de Grasse in 2019, we are now witnessing the first harvest from the programme. Located in the heart of the Parc Naturel Régional des Préalpes d’Azur, in the communes of Gourdon and Caussols, fine lavender has been reintroduced for the past 2 years with small partner producers or directly on our own agricultural plots. Our programme, which is certified Organic Agriculture and Fair Trade (Fair For Life), aims to give a new dynamism to the fine lavender sector in the region while bringing an environmental, social and societal balance. Thus, innovative agronomic practices are tested on the plots, such as full soil cover or co-culture. We encourage the development of a responsible fine lavender industry that respects local biodiversity. After harvesting, the fine Lavender is transported to our processing site in Pégomas. We carry out steam distillation to offer you a range of organic and Fair For Life fine Lavender essential oil and floral water available now.